
If you plan to grow annual flowers indoors from seeds, they should be started this month. Start petunias, lobelia, snapdragons and verbena in the first week of March; ageratum, nicotiana, portulaca and sweet peas can be started towards the end of the month.

Test your soil! You can send samples to the Extension Service at your state university. You want your soil to test out close to a neutral pH (7.0).

If the soil test indicates that your soil is too acidic, scatter lime around the bases of your ornamental trees and shrubs.  In particular, boxwood and roses will benefit from lime. Do not add lime to acid-loving plants:  rhododendrons, azaleas, mountain laurel, holly, juniper,  blueberries, and heather. Hydrangeas: do not lime if you want them to go blue.

Two weeks after the lime, apply slow-release fertilizer to your ornamental trees and shrubs. You can use a general garden fertilizer for most of your plants, and a rhododendron-type fertilizer for the acid-lovers.  Water the fertilizer in.

Turn your compost pile.

Prune evergreens.

Cut back and divide ornamental grasses.

Apply dormant oil to your fruit trees.